Saturday, October 22, 2016


Being called average is scary.

No one strives to be just average. The phrase gets tossed around so often that we start to identify with it. We cannot define someone (ie. ourselves) as just "average" because it simply does not work this way.

We can use data points to quantify things. We can choose to identify ourselves by concrete numbers, for example, the number of trophies we have won, our test scores, the number of likes we get on instagram. This takes away some of the abstraction of our identity and makes it easier for us to comprehend. There is no such thing as an "average" human being. These numbers don't add to who we are. 

One human being cannot be compared to another. We are unique in infinite ways. Every single moment and every single experience has nuanced our personality. We are all snowflakes, each one of us taking our own unique paths, eventually gaining various idiosyncratic and complex pieces of our identity.  The wisdom we accumulate through our life gives all of us distinct views to offer to the world. Thus, we aren't stable, either. We are constantly changing, each little piece at a time. I have come to realize that average is just a label. An unimportant one, too.

And there is simply no such thing as an "average" snowflake.